The intermediary role
Our Trade & Investment Bank is best known for our work as intermediaries between a corporation and the financial markets.
We assist corporations to issue shares of stock in an IPO, an additional stock offering or a private placing. We also arrange debt financing for corporations by finding large-scale investors for corporate bonds.
Our Iinvestment bank's advisory role begins with pre-underwriting research and analysis followed by counseling and advising our valued Client and continues after the issue and distribution of securities.
Our investment bank is responsible for examining a company’s financial statements for accuracy and publishing a prospectus that describes the offering in detail to investors before the securities are available for purchase.
Through our Associations and Network, we can offer Gold Investment Services such as Gold Purchases, Gold Business Finance, Gold Investments Gold Trading & Secure Gold Storage to our selected High Net Worth Clients.
Our investment bank clients include corporations, pension funds, insurance companies, high net worth individuals and families, other financial institutions, governments, and hedge funds.
Our investment bank specializes in managing complex financial transactions such as Initial Placement Offerings (IPO’s) and mergers for corporate clients.
A 'Chinese wall' separates our investment banking activities from the trading division to prevent conflicts of interest.